G. Gary Kuenzli served the YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles with distinction for his entire career. He began his YMCA involvement at age nine as a youth member. In 1960 he was hired as a program director in the San Fernando Valley. In 1964 he served as the founding executive director of the Palisades-Malibu Branch, then in 1968 was promoted to the position of executive director at the Torrence-South Bay Branch.

Kuenzli joined the Los Angeles Y’s corporate staff as vice president for branch financial development. When the Southern California Management Resource Center (MRC) was formed in 1976, he became its first director, a position he held until his retirement in 1994.

Throughout his 33-year career, Kuenzli combined his personal and professional skills as a trainer, writer, organizer, and documentarian. This ability allowed him to play a vital role in the YMCA’s history.

Every day YMCAs throughout the world use Kuenzli’s articles, monographs, manuals, catalogues, and training designs. Some of his works include The Annual Support Campaign Manual, Successful Board Leadership, and Training Others. At last count, 15 of his training designs were an active part of the training calendars in associations throughout the country. One of these, the Executive Development Program for training prospective branch executives, is a staple in MRCs everywhere.

Kuenzli’s career spans a period of YMCA history in which the YMCA learned to conduct its affairs in a business-like manner. He was the quickest of all to identify the application of modern management theory, organizational and staff development, and systems necessary for the future of YMCAs. He is widely sought as a trainer and speaker throughout the country and responds generously to those requests. As a workshop presenter he provides all attendees with very simple, effective ways to copy his success.

Kuenzli’s other career achievements include his leadership of APD nationally for a three-year term. He served as chair of two APD National Conferences and also chair of the National MRC Directors Cluster for three years.

Kuenzli is now retired and spends his time as a volunteer trainer for YMCAs across the country. He continues to write on YMCA administration and other topics.

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